This year the London Wellbeing Festival welcomes back Persia & Joey from Addictive Daughter. In this blog post they share with you the 3 steps they took to become the healthiest and happiest versions of themselves – inside and out.
As one of our father’s once told us: If you focus on the insides, the outsides will take care of themselves.

1) Identify the problem:
Before you can move towards a solution to your woes, you must first get really clear on what – and why – you have your particular problems in the first place. Much of the time, we focus and obsess about the external issues or behaviour that we’re struggling with – whether that’s anxiety, depression, heartbreak, debt, weight gain, drinking too much, or anything in between. Whilst these behaviours do need to be dealt with, they are often symptoms of deeper issues bubbling away below the surface that stem from unresolved pain or trauma from our childhood or adolescence (and make no mistake, we all carry some form of baggage from our past – even if it might not seem as heavy or extreme as other people’s.) If you want to understand why you’re having trouble now, ask yourself the following question (and ideally, write down your answer in a notebook or journal in as much detail as you can): What were the most painful/frightening/significant things that happened to me during my childhood or adolescence? We can almost guarantee that the answer to this question will have influenced most of your choices and behaviour throughout your life. So, although this may be a difficult task, it’s the first – and most essential step in your personal path to happiness.2) Be open to the solution:
Once you’re aware of the root of your problems from doing the exercise above, you’re then in the position to begin the process of healing those old wounds so that you can move forwards. We believe that the solution to our problems lies in developing a spiritual connection of our own understanding – one that will help us experience the sense of love, peace and joy that’s already inside of us (even if we don’t know how to access it just yet). To some people, this idea may seem clear and straightforward, to others, it may sound esoteric and not at all tangible. A spiritual connection is an intensely personal experience – one that we’d find very difficult to explain or do justice to in this short blog post. What we do know, however, is that if you’re open and willing to developing your own connection of this kind, you’ll be guided to exactly what will best speak to you. Therefore, we recommend saying this following affirmation out loud as a statement to yourself – and the universe – that you’re ready to release the past and embrace a happier future: ''I am ready, open and willing to develop a spiritual connection that makes sense to me''. Once you’ve made this statement, keep your eyes and ears alert, as we have no doubt you’ll start to receive guidance from all manner of sources. This often comes in the form of coincidences and synchronicities, for example, a friend sending you a book about spirituality that you’ve been thinking about buying for some time. Make no mistake though, the amount of time and work it takes to heal past pain can be very challenging. But, we promise that the results you’ll experience when you come out the other side will be well worth the effort.3) Get clear on what you want for the future:
Once you’re some way into developing a spiritual connection of your own understanding (along with any additional therapy or self-development work that you may have decided to undertake in the process), it’s then time to start getting clear and focused on what you want for the rest of your life. This may sound like quite a selfish step in some ways. However, it’s important to acknowledge that, when we’re happy, our loved ones and those around us also receive the positive benefits, too. We can’t give what we don’t have, so when we focus on making ourselves healthy and happy first, we’ll then have so much more energy with which to serve others still struggling.