Friday 29th April
Sandy Newbigging: Body Calm Self Healing Workshop

Mel Wells: Food and Body Freedom for Life

Abby Wynne: Raise the Vibration of Your Relationships

Saturday 30th April
Sonia Choquette: Six Sensory Living

Art Giser: Ancestoral Healing

Skip Archimedes: Supercharge Your Life

Sunday 1st May
Rebecca Campbell: Answering Your Soul's Calling

Elizabeth Whiter & Rohini: Animal Healing

Jo Westwood and Lucy Sheridan: #HigherSelfie Salon: Don't Wait For It, Create It

Monday 2nd May
Nikki Slade: Connect to Your Inner Voice

Addictive Daughter: It's An Inside Job!

Ian Tucker: Your Simple Path

Lifestyle Studio
Have you seen our new Lifestyle Studio feature for 2016 at the London Wellbeing Festival? This space is dedicated to the pursuit of a healthy, empowered lifestyle with workshops from some of the UK’s finest lifestyle teachers. Book your mat space in advance!